Monday, December 30, 2019

Environmental Scan Paper - 1497 Words

Environmental Scan Paper MGT/498 December 10, 2014 Dr. Pamela Linden Environmental Scan Paper Environmental scanning plays a critical role in the strategic management planning process. The environmental scan provides important information, which may be useful in forecasting changes for the future. Environmental scanning is, â€Å"the monitoring, evaluation, and dissemination of information from the external and internal environments to key people within the organization.† (Wheelen and Hunger, Ch.4, Sec. 4.1) Managers scan the internal environment for strengths and weaknesses and the external environment for opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses can be found within the company structure, as well as the employee pool.†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Last year, Starbucks opened 500 new stores in China, bringing the total to 1500.† (, 2014) Since their beginning 43 years ago, Starbucks has become the most well known coffee house in the United States. Their cups and signature green straws are well recognized by many as sign of a quality product at a premium price. Walmart was founded in 1962 with the opening of its first store in Rogers, Arkansas; with one goal in mind, â€Å"helping customers and communities save money and live better.† (, History, 2014) Internal factors Walmart must focus on for strategic planning include offering a full variety of products ensuring their customers can have a â€Å"one-stop† shopping experience versus needing to visit other stores to complete their lists. When Walmart first opened, the product line offered consisted of clothing, shoes, house hold items, and automotive services, just to name a few. The first Walmart Supercenter opened in Washington, MO in 1988, offering the one-stop shopping experience. â€Å"As the Walmart Supercenter redefined convenience and one-stop shopping, Every Day Low Prices went international.† (, History, 2014) Walmart spent much of the 1990’s decade focused on opening more locations globally, expanding into countries such as Mexico, Canada, and China. This move paid off for Walmart, as they reached its first $100 billion in sales. (, History, 2014) Some external factors Walmart must include in theirShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Scan Paper1539 Words   |  7 PagesEnvironmental Scan Paper MGT/498 July 22, 2015 Environmental Scan Paper The evaluating, monitoring, and disseminating of information from internal and external environments to key people within the corporation is called environmental scanning. (Wheelen and Hunger. 2010) Environmental scanning helps an organization identify relevant factors and use those factors to obtain a competitive advantage within the environment. The author will discuss how an organization creates value and sustainsRead MoreEnvironmental Scan Paper1272 Words   |  6 PagesEnvironmental Scan Paper There are internal and external elements that help a corporation determine their future. Environmental scanning monitors, evaluates, and disseminates the information from both the internal and external environments within the corporation. The internal and external elements are strategic factors that determine the corporation’s future. Environmental scanning can be conducted through a simple SWOT analysisRead MoreEnvironmental Scan Paper1148 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Environmental Scan Paper Shalunda Lester MGT 498 May 2, 2015 Jerome Dausman Environmental Scan Paper Introduction The monitoring, evaluating, and disseminating of information from the external and internal environments is known as environmental scanning. This information goes to key people within the corporation to identify strategic factors and help determine the future of the corporation (Wheelen Hunger). SWOT analysis is the simplest way to conduct environmental scanning. TheRead MoreEnvironmental Scan Paper1138 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironmental Scan Paper MGT/498 Environmental Scan Paper The business environment of an organization reveals much about its competitiveness and the possible influences on the success of its strategies. The focus of this paper will be an environmental scan of the internal and external environments of two real-world firms, their competitive advantages and company strategies for creating value and sustaining competitiveness, measurement guidelinesRead MoreEnvironmental Scan Paper1535 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Environmental Scan Paper Christine Jennings MGT/498 Jacqueline Limonta November 17, 2014 Environmental Scan The concept of environmental scanning is important because of the short term and long term success of a company. This tool helps companies scan, monitor, evaluate, and forecast the internal and external parts of the company. 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For any company to succeed the company will need to conquer theRead MoreMgt 498 Week 3 Environmental Scan Paper1099 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironmental Scan Paper Your Name MGT 498 Week 3 Instructor Name Date For any company to survive in the business environment, they must be accustomed toward any situation within the environment because of certain issues, perceptions, chances, and resources. These are such reasons every business must observe any applicable changes, which can occur within the environment and invent from existing policies to adjust toward variations. For any company to succeed the company will need to conquerRead MoreMGT/498 Week Three Individual Environmental Scan Paper1199 Words   |  5 Pages Environmental Scan Paper Craig Clark University Of Phoenix MGT/498 March 9, 2013 Environmental Scan Paper The environment of any organization consists of internal and external factors. An organization should conduct a scan of its environment in order for it to determine development, and a forecast on the factors that may influence the success of the organization. Scanning the environment refers to the possession and utilization of the information that an organization hasRead MoreEnvironmental Scan1153 Words   |  5 PagesMGT 498 Environmental Scan Paper MGT/498 Environmental Scan Paper Environmental scans play a crucial role in the strategic planning process by helping organizations take a look at their competitive advantages and identify ways to sustain the advantages. Wheelen and Hunger (2010) describes environmental scanning as â€Å"the monitoring, evaluation, and dissemination of information from external and internal environments

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Concept Of Organized Business - 1491 Words

The concept of organized business is not as new of a concept as you might think it to be. People have associated themselves with like-minded individuals to achieve common goals for centuries. In fact, organized business can be traced as far back as the 4th and 5th century in the Roman Empire. In spite of being a monarchy, many businesses would be given special license by Caesar to operate as a single entity to carry out tasks essential to the function of Roman society. This type of grouping may not have been classified as a business by today’s standards, but it was structured in a loose concept of what we have today. Guilds of artisans and builders operated in such a manner to perform duties for the government and further societal goals.†¦show more content†¦Storms and dangerous territories caused the loss of many ships in this time period and owners could not be held liable for such natural disasters. In an excerpt from Encyclopedia Britannica, author S. Nicholas Woodward states that the â€Å"the corporate form itself developed in the early Middle Ages with the growth and codification of civil and canon law.† (Woodward, 2015) The specific terms and conditions varied throughout the following centuries, while encompassing input and influence from British law. Much of the modern influence came due to the emerging commerce from the industrial revolution in both England and the United States. The railroad and steel industries take much of the credit for various new businesses that sprang up due to the increased convenience of the transportation of goods. The intended purpose of the corporate blanket was to allow a group of people with common goals, skills, and interests to work together as a single personality or entity. If the company as an entity errs in the manner of liability, the individual pieces are protected under the blanket of a corporate structure. With the increase in commerce and trade between growing nations, the desire for business owners to be protected grew, respectively. According to an article on the website, â€Å"In 1977, Wyoming became the first American state to enact a true LLC act

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech Free Essays

I. Introduction: A. Thesis: I’m here today to convince you that we should continue to use stem cell research treat human disease and abnormalities. We will write a custom essay sample on Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now B. Claims: 1. Claim 1: To begin, stem cells have the ability cure thousands of people. 2. Claim 2: I’ll show you that the potential of stem cells are endless and committing to research can only prove so much more. 3. Claim 3: Finally, I’ll also explain to you how the plasticity of stem cells can treat such a wide range of disease. II. Body: A. Claim 1:†¦ To begin, stem cells have the ability cure thousands of people. . Evidence 1: To begin, in a 2007 issue of the National Right to Life News, therapy has saved the lives of victims of myeloma and congestive heart failure. The treatment would have stem cells travel through their bloodstream into their bone marrow to establish a disease free immune system. 2. Evidence 2: In addition, stem cell therapy has revealed beneficial effects on the regeneration of impaired heart muscles according to Alex Martin’s 2012 article Stem Cell- Therapy-Saving Lives one Heart at a Time. This therapy has the ability to reduce the chance of heart failure and can restore all the parts necessary to a damaged heart. B. Claim 2: Next, is that the potential of stem cells are endless and committing to research can only prove so much more. 1. Evidence 1: In fact,the website for the National Institutes of Health resource for research states that stem cells may replicate many times unlike muscle, blood, or nerve cells. This means they are capable for long-term self-renewal, meaning these cells can divide and renew themselves for very long periods of time. 2. Evidence 2: Also, in 2009, the Internet Journal of Bioengineering explained how stem cells can go from unspecialized to specialized cells that have the ability to differentiate into a wide variety of cells. These cells are proving to be the mainstay of rengerative medicine. C. Claim 3: My final point is explain to you how the plasticity of stem cells can treat such a wide range of disease. 1. Evidence 1: First, in a 2012 issue of the Las Vegas Review Journal, scientists have started banks for umbilical cord blood stem cells which are a rich source of stem cells, being able to repair or even replace damaged cells in the human body. . Evidence 2: Additionally, Mark Anstead has written in a 2011 issue of Mail on Sunday about the ability of stem cells to treat a genetic blood condition known as sickle cell disease. Through blood transfusion, stem cells were transplanted into the patient’s bone marrow and within days, his bloodstream was populated with healthy new red cells and no longer has to take his medication. . III. Conclusion: A. Thesis: Today, I’ve tried to convince you that we should continue to use stem cell research treat human disease and abnormalities. B. Claims: 1. Claim 1: First, I showed you that stem cells have the ability cure thousands of people. 2. Claim 2: Next, I told you how the potential of stem cells are endless and committing to research can only prove so much more. 3. Claim 3: Finally, I showed you how the plasticity of stem cells can treat such a wide range of disease. List of Sources Used Author: Townsend, Liz Title of article: â€Å"Survivors Speak Out: Adult Stem Cells Save Lives. † Title of publication: National Right to Life News Title of database: Academic Search Premier Year: 2007 Author: Anstead, Mark Title of article: â€Å"Pioneering stem cell treatment saves the life of sickle cell victim. † Name of publication: Mail on Sunday Title of database: Academic Search Premier Year: 2011 Author: Madan, Natasha, Neeraj Madan, Pankaj Bajaj, Neelam Gupta, and Shweta Yadav Title of article: â€Å"Stem Cells – A Scope For Regenerative Medicine. † Name of publication: Internet Journal of Bioengineering Title of database: Academic Search Premier Year: 2009 Author: Martin, Alex and Francesca Coxe Title of article: â€Å"Stem Cell Therapy – Saving Lives one Heart at a Time. † Title of website: MetroMD Year: 2012 Author: ARACONTENT Title of article: â€Å"Umbilical cord stem cells provide life-saving treatment for children. † Title of publication: Las Vegas Review-Journal Year: 2012 Author: no author Title of article: â€Å"What are the unique properties of all stem cells? â€Å" Title of website: Stem Cell Information: The National Institutes of Health resource for stem cell research Year: 2009 How to cite Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Here comes the neighborhood Essay Example For Students

Here comes the neighborhood Essay All over America, theatres are leading the way for urban renewal. There, just east of Fredericks of Hollywood, where lingerie has a Hall of Fame. Over there, across the street from Ripleys Believe It Tor Not Odditorium, upstairs from the Hollywood Wax Museum, final resting place of the waxen Elvis, Marilyn and Jesus Christ. And there, in the shadow of the Hollywood Hills sign, near Cecil B. Demilles star on the worlds most famous sidewalk. There, housed in former mortuaries and speakeasies and burlesque houses, are the old and new theatres of Hollywood. If the theatres are hard to spot, well, theatre in Los Angeles has always been obscured by film and television. So its ironic that Hollywood, epicenter of film and television, is encouraging live theatre to stage a comeback. Los Angeles is just one of a number of cities where theatres are the soul of urban redevelopment projects, as one architect describes them (see sidebars). Cities or private developers are creating arts districts, renovating old theatres, and constructing new performing arts centers, taking their cue architecturally from city neighborhoods. In Hollywood, where theres no business like show business, the neighborhood has long included live theatres tucked between movie studios and the palaces built to show movies. There is a vibrant history of arts being done in this neighborhood for a long time, explains James Carey, artistic director of Attic Theatre, on Hollywoods Santa Monica Blvd. There have historically been theatres on this stretch. But the neighborhood changed in the 1960s, when some of the movie studios left for the San Fernando Valley where there was room to grow. Residents fled, too. And Hollywood Boulevard, the Los Angeles equivalent of Times Square, traded glamour for gaudy. Its sleazy, we know that, says Lester Burg, assistant project manager for the citys Community Redevelopment Agency. Our job is to make Hollywood a place people want to live in, work in and visit. Live theatre is an important part of the mix that makes it Hollywood. In 1986, the city adopted the Hollywood Redevelopment Plan, allocating nearly $1 billion over 30 years (distributed by the CRA) for revitalization of Hollywoods residential, commercial and historic sectors. After being delayed for years by litigation, the project is now underway. In addition to creating affordable housing and business opportunities, and attracting and stabilizing the entertainment industry, the plan focuses on preservation of landmarks and historic architecture and creates a live-theatre district. Thats where some of the nearly 30 theatres in the greater Hollywood area get lucky and some dont. The CRA will lend up to $250,000 for rehabilitation of a historic building, and forgive the loan if the building is maintained and remains a theatre 10 years. There are a lot of hidden gems and, this being Hollywood, they havent been touched, Burg says of the many current or potential theatre spaces. (The CRA may consider a proposal next year to loan money to theatre companies for improvements on other than historic buildings, which could encourage other theatres to move to the Hollywood theatre district. The plan would have to be approved by the Los Angeles City Council.) Just as Hollywood begins its redevelopment, it also faces five years of subway construction. In February, Metro Rail will begin building its Red Line under Hollywood Boulevard. Metro Rail will spend $28 million to lessen the hurt, according to Burg. Some of that money will go for signage on theatres. Metro Rail will also open a Theatre District Information Office across the street from the Pantages, and a permanent lighting display will mark Hollywood and Vine as the center of the theatre district. There may eventually be another source of money available to theatres. One percent of funds spent on Metro Rail and new development that will be built around it (possibly hotels and office buildings) must be earmarked for public art. We would define art at Hollywood and Vine as being theatre, according to Burg. Naturalistic Theatre EssayOne of the theatres in the building was originally a chapel, one was the casket showroom, and the embalming was done in what is now a backstage area, according to Marie Staats, who worked at the mortuary and lived upstairs for years. Its a small, oblong, stucco building with a vest-pocket-sized balcony in the center of the second story. Producer-director Cecil B. DeMilles star on the Walk of Fame is at the theatres front door. So is Loretta Swits. The historic building is owned by Nederlander West, which also owns the Pantages across the street. Like Theatre Row, West Coast Ensemble probably wont receive CRA money, either, although it is in the area targeted for redevelopment. The theatre would need a 10-year lease, and the support of Nederlander West. Across the street, to the north, is the Pantages, one of the countrys finest examples of an art deco movie palace. Built in 1930, the theatre hosted the Academy Awards from 1949 to 1959, and became a legitimate theatre in 1979. Currently, The Will Rogers Follies is playing the Pantages. The front may be as grand as the lobby, with its statues and staircases evoking the movie set of a Biblical epic, but its impossible to tell. Banners and signs advertising the Follies have shrouded the exterior for now. By all appearances, the redevelopment of Hollywood seems a good thing, renovating some theatres and giving others, like Theatre Row and West Coast Ensemble, neighborhood support. But the project has not been without controversy. This is a pretty divisive community, says the CRAs Lester Burg. Redevelopment agencies have power that makes us unpopular. We take money from property taxes that would otherwise go to the county, and we spend money on things other than the county. There was a vocal group . The T-shirts said CRA, Go Away. And opponents have long memories. The CRA spent $27 million on the Los Angeles Theatre Center between its start-up in 1985 and 1991, when the final curtain fell on the four-stage complex that was to have proven once and for all that it was possible to create a center for theatre in Los Angeles. Its going to make it very difficult for a redevelopment agency to get involved in a cultural facility, Burg says of the collapse of LATC. And others, specifically in Hollywood, are still smarting over the citys rejection of a $600-to-$700 million mall proposed by United Artists Realty. The mall would have incorporated the historic Egyptian Theatre, as well as construction of several major department stores. It didnt work for the city, explains Burg. Now, developer Joe Simon, who owns the land the mall would have been built on, is remodeling a smaller building adjacent to the Egyptian that will be a 99-seat rental theatre. John Simon, who works for his brother, freely admits they have a financial stake in encouraging people to visit Hollywood at night. We want to try to get people to come to the area because we own the parking lots, he states. Joe Simons Grant Parking owns six acres of parking lots 500 spaces in the heart of Hollywood. Its fun, if it will just pay the bills, John Simon says of their work on the small theatre. Things are better since Reardon was elected. So many people were afraid to go out at night, especially with that Rodney King thing. Will the redevelopment of Hollywood ultimately encourage people to attend theatre? Its too soon to tell. But on Hollywood Boulevard, residents and tourists will be able to choose between Ripleys Odditorium and more live theatre, believe it or not.