Monday, December 30, 2019

Environmental Scan Paper - 1497 Words

Environmental Scan Paper MGT/498 December 10, 2014 Dr. Pamela Linden Environmental Scan Paper Environmental scanning plays a critical role in the strategic management planning process. The environmental scan provides important information, which may be useful in forecasting changes for the future. Environmental scanning is, â€Å"the monitoring, evaluation, and dissemination of information from the external and internal environments to key people within the organization.† (Wheelen and Hunger, Ch.4, Sec. 4.1) Managers scan the internal environment for strengths and weaknesses and the external environment for opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses can be found within the company structure, as well as the employee pool.†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Last year, Starbucks opened 500 new stores in China, bringing the total to 1500.† (, 2014) Since their beginning 43 years ago, Starbucks has become the most well known coffee house in the United States. Their cups and signature green straws are well recognized by many as sign of a quality product at a premium price. Walmart was founded in 1962 with the opening of its first store in Rogers, Arkansas; with one goal in mind, â€Å"helping customers and communities save money and live better.† (, History, 2014) Internal factors Walmart must focus on for strategic planning include offering a full variety of products ensuring their customers can have a â€Å"one-stop† shopping experience versus needing to visit other stores to complete their lists. When Walmart first opened, the product line offered consisted of clothing, shoes, house hold items, and automotive services, just to name a few. The first Walmart Supercenter opened in Washington, MO in 1988, offering the one-stop shopping experience. â€Å"As the Walmart Supercenter redefined convenience and one-stop shopping, Every Day Low Prices went international.† (, History, 2014) Walmart spent much of the 1990’s decade focused on opening more locations globally, expanding into countries such as Mexico, Canada, and China. This move paid off for Walmart, as they reached its first $100 billion in sales. (, History, 2014) Some external factors Walmart must include in theirShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Scan Paper1539 Words   |  7 PagesEnvironmental Scan Paper MGT/498 July 22, 2015 Environmental Scan Paper The evaluating, monitoring, and disseminating of information from internal and external environments to key people within the corporation is called environmental scanning. 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Environmental scanning can be conducted through a simple SWOT analysisRead MoreEnvironmental Scan Paper1148 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Environmental Scan Paper Shalunda Lester MGT 498 May 2, 2015 Jerome Dausman Environmental Scan Paper Introduction The monitoring, evaluating, and disseminating of information from the external and internal environments is known as environmental scanning. This information goes to key people within the corporation to identify strategic factors and help determine the future of the corporation (Wheelen Hunger). SWOT analysis is the simplest way to conduct environmental scanning. TheRead MoreEnvironmental Scan Paper1138 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironmental Scan Paper MGT/498 Environmental Scan Paper The business environment of an organization reveals much about its competitiveness and the possible influences on the success of its strategies. 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For any company to succeed the company will need to conquer theRead MoreMgt 498 Week 3 Environmental Scan Paper1099 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironmental Scan Paper Your Name MGT 498 Week 3 Instructor Name Date For any company to survive in the business environment, they must be accustomed toward any situation within the environment because of certain issues, perceptions, chances, and resources. These are such reasons every business must observe any applicable changes, which can occur within the environment and invent from existing policies to adjust toward variations. For any company to succeed the company will need to conquerRead MoreMGT/498 Week Three Individual Environmental Scan Paper1199 Words   |  5 Pages Environmental Scan Paper Craig Clark University Of Phoenix MGT/498 March 9, 2013 Environmental Scan Paper The environment of any organization consists of internal and external factors. An organization should conduct a scan of its environment in order for it to determine development, and a forecast on the factors that may influence the success of the organization. Scanning the environment refers to the possession and utilization of the information that an organization hasRead MoreEnvironmental Scan1153 Words   |  5 PagesMGT 498 Environmental Scan Paper MGT/498 Environmental Scan Paper Environmental scans play a crucial role in the strategic planning process by helping organizations take a look at their competitive advantages and identify ways to sustain the advantages. Wheelen and Hunger (2010) describes environmental scanning as â€Å"the monitoring, evaluation, and dissemination of information from external and internal environments

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Concept Of Organized Business - 1491 Words

The concept of organized business is not as new of a concept as you might think it to be. People have associated themselves with like-minded individuals to achieve common goals for centuries. In fact, organized business can be traced as far back as the 4th and 5th century in the Roman Empire. In spite of being a monarchy, many businesses would be given special license by Caesar to operate as a single entity to carry out tasks essential to the function of Roman society. This type of grouping may not have been classified as a business by today’s standards, but it was structured in a loose concept of what we have today. Guilds of artisans and builders operated in such a manner to perform duties for the government and further societal goals.†¦show more content†¦Storms and dangerous territories caused the loss of many ships in this time period and owners could not be held liable for such natural disasters. In an excerpt from Encyclopedia Britannica, author S. Nicholas Woodward states that the â€Å"the corporate form itself developed in the early Middle Ages with the growth and codification of civil and canon law.† (Woodward, 2015) The specific terms and conditions varied throughout the following centuries, while encompassing input and influence from British law. Much of the modern influence came due to the emerging commerce from the industrial revolution in both England and the United States. The railroad and steel industries take much of the credit for various new businesses that sprang up due to the increased convenience of the transportation of goods. The intended purpose of the corporate blanket was to allow a group of people with common goals, skills, and interests to work together as a single personality or entity. If the company as an entity errs in the manner of liability, the individual pieces are protected under the blanket of a corporate structure. With the increase in commerce and trade between growing nations, the desire for business owners to be protected grew, respectively. According to an article on the website, â€Å"In 1977, Wyoming became the first American state to enact a true LLC act

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech Free Essays

I. Introduction: A. Thesis: I’m here today to convince you that we should continue to use stem cell research treat human disease and abnormalities. We will write a custom essay sample on Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now B. Claims: 1. Claim 1: To begin, stem cells have the ability cure thousands of people. 2. Claim 2: I’ll show you that the potential of stem cells are endless and committing to research can only prove so much more. 3. Claim 3: Finally, I’ll also explain to you how the plasticity of stem cells can treat such a wide range of disease. II. Body: A. Claim 1:†¦ To begin, stem cells have the ability cure thousands of people. . Evidence 1: To begin, in a 2007 issue of the National Right to Life News, therapy has saved the lives of victims of myeloma and congestive heart failure. The treatment would have stem cells travel through their bloodstream into their bone marrow to establish a disease free immune system. 2. Evidence 2: In addition, stem cell therapy has revealed beneficial effects on the regeneration of impaired heart muscles according to Alex Martin’s 2012 article Stem Cell- Therapy-Saving Lives one Heart at a Time. This therapy has the ability to reduce the chance of heart failure and can restore all the parts necessary to a damaged heart. B. Claim 2: Next, is that the potential of stem cells are endless and committing to research can only prove so much more. 1. Evidence 1: In fact,the website for the National Institutes of Health resource for research states that stem cells may replicate many times unlike muscle, blood, or nerve cells. This means they are capable for long-term self-renewal, meaning these cells can divide and renew themselves for very long periods of time. 2. Evidence 2: Also, in 2009, the Internet Journal of Bioengineering explained how stem cells can go from unspecialized to specialized cells that have the ability to differentiate into a wide variety of cells. These cells are proving to be the mainstay of rengerative medicine. C. Claim 3: My final point is explain to you how the plasticity of stem cells can treat such a wide range of disease. 1. Evidence 1: First, in a 2012 issue of the Las Vegas Review Journal, scientists have started banks for umbilical cord blood stem cells which are a rich source of stem cells, being able to repair or even replace damaged cells in the human body. . Evidence 2: Additionally, Mark Anstead has written in a 2011 issue of Mail on Sunday about the ability of stem cells to treat a genetic blood condition known as sickle cell disease. Through blood transfusion, stem cells were transplanted into the patient’s bone marrow and within days, his bloodstream was populated with healthy new red cells and no longer has to take his medication. . III. Conclusion: A. Thesis: Today, I’ve tried to convince you that we should continue to use stem cell research treat human disease and abnormalities. B. Claims: 1. Claim 1: First, I showed you that stem cells have the ability cure thousands of people. 2. Claim 2: Next, I told you how the potential of stem cells are endless and committing to research can only prove so much more. 3. Claim 3: Finally, I showed you how the plasticity of stem cells can treat such a wide range of disease. List of Sources Used Author: Townsend, Liz Title of article: â€Å"Survivors Speak Out: Adult Stem Cells Save Lives. † Title of publication: National Right to Life News Title of database: Academic Search Premier Year: 2007 Author: Anstead, Mark Title of article: â€Å"Pioneering stem cell treatment saves the life of sickle cell victim. † Name of publication: Mail on Sunday Title of database: Academic Search Premier Year: 2011 Author: Madan, Natasha, Neeraj Madan, Pankaj Bajaj, Neelam Gupta, and Shweta Yadav Title of article: â€Å"Stem Cells – A Scope For Regenerative Medicine. † Name of publication: Internet Journal of Bioengineering Title of database: Academic Search Premier Year: 2009 Author: Martin, Alex and Francesca Coxe Title of article: â€Å"Stem Cell Therapy – Saving Lives one Heart at a Time. † Title of website: MetroMD Year: 2012 Author: ARACONTENT Title of article: â€Å"Umbilical cord stem cells provide life-saving treatment for children. † Title of publication: Las Vegas Review-Journal Year: 2012 Author: no author Title of article: â€Å"What are the unique properties of all stem cells? â€Å" Title of website: Stem Cell Information: The National Institutes of Health resource for stem cell research Year: 2009 How to cite Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Here comes the neighborhood Essay Example For Students

Here comes the neighborhood Essay All over America, theatres are leading the way for urban renewal. There, just east of Fredericks of Hollywood, where lingerie has a Hall of Fame. Over there, across the street from Ripleys Believe It Tor Not Odditorium, upstairs from the Hollywood Wax Museum, final resting place of the waxen Elvis, Marilyn and Jesus Christ. And there, in the shadow of the Hollywood Hills sign, near Cecil B. Demilles star on the worlds most famous sidewalk. There, housed in former mortuaries and speakeasies and burlesque houses, are the old and new theatres of Hollywood. If the theatres are hard to spot, well, theatre in Los Angeles has always been obscured by film and television. So its ironic that Hollywood, epicenter of film and television, is encouraging live theatre to stage a comeback. Los Angeles is just one of a number of cities where theatres are the soul of urban redevelopment projects, as one architect describes them (see sidebars). Cities or private developers are creating arts districts, renovating old theatres, and constructing new performing arts centers, taking their cue architecturally from city neighborhoods. In Hollywood, where theres no business like show business, the neighborhood has long included live theatres tucked between movie studios and the palaces built to show movies. There is a vibrant history of arts being done in this neighborhood for a long time, explains James Carey, artistic director of Attic Theatre, on Hollywoods Santa Monica Blvd. There have historically been theatres on this stretch. But the neighborhood changed in the 1960s, when some of the movie studios left for the San Fernando Valley where there was room to grow. Residents fled, too. And Hollywood Boulevard, the Los Angeles equivalent of Times Square, traded glamour for gaudy. Its sleazy, we know that, says Lester Burg, assistant project manager for the citys Community Redevelopment Agency. Our job is to make Hollywood a place people want to live in, work in and visit. Live theatre is an important part of the mix that makes it Hollywood. In 1986, the city adopted the Hollywood Redevelopment Plan, allocating nearly $1 billion over 30 years (distributed by the CRA) for revitalization of Hollywoods residential, commercial and historic sectors. After being delayed for years by litigation, the project is now underway. In addition to creating affordable housing and business opportunities, and attracting and stabilizing the entertainment industry, the plan focuses on preservation of landmarks and historic architecture and creates a live-theatre district. Thats where some of the nearly 30 theatres in the greater Hollywood area get lucky and some dont. The CRA will lend up to $250,000 for rehabilitation of a historic building, and forgive the loan if the building is maintained and remains a theatre 10 years. There are a lot of hidden gems and, this being Hollywood, they havent been touched, Burg says of the many current or potential theatre spaces. (The CRA may consider a proposal next year to loan money to theatre companies for improvements on other than historic buildings, which could encourage other theatres to move to the Hollywood theatre district. The plan would have to be approved by the Los Angeles City Council.) Just as Hollywood begins its redevelopment, it also faces five years of subway construction. In February, Metro Rail will begin building its Red Line under Hollywood Boulevard. Metro Rail will spend $28 million to lessen the hurt, according to Burg. Some of that money will go for signage on theatres. Metro Rail will also open a Theatre District Information Office across the street from the Pantages, and a permanent lighting display will mark Hollywood and Vine as the center of the theatre district. There may eventually be another source of money available to theatres. One percent of funds spent on Metro Rail and new development that will be built around it (possibly hotels and office buildings) must be earmarked for public art. We would define art at Hollywood and Vine as being theatre, according to Burg. Naturalistic Theatre EssayOne of the theatres in the building was originally a chapel, one was the casket showroom, and the embalming was done in what is now a backstage area, according to Marie Staats, who worked at the mortuary and lived upstairs for years. Its a small, oblong, stucco building with a vest-pocket-sized balcony in the center of the second story. Producer-director Cecil B. DeMilles star on the Walk of Fame is at the theatres front door. So is Loretta Swits. The historic building is owned by Nederlander West, which also owns the Pantages across the street. Like Theatre Row, West Coast Ensemble probably wont receive CRA money, either, although it is in the area targeted for redevelopment. The theatre would need a 10-year lease, and the support of Nederlander West. Across the street, to the north, is the Pantages, one of the countrys finest examples of an art deco movie palace. Built in 1930, the theatre hosted the Academy Awards from 1949 to 1959, and became a legitimate theatre in 1979. Currently, The Will Rogers Follies is playing the Pantages. The front may be as grand as the lobby, with its statues and staircases evoking the movie set of a Biblical epic, but its impossible to tell. Banners and signs advertising the Follies have shrouded the exterior for now. By all appearances, the redevelopment of Hollywood seems a good thing, renovating some theatres and giving others, like Theatre Row and West Coast Ensemble, neighborhood support. But the project has not been without controversy. This is a pretty divisive community, says the CRAs Lester Burg. Redevelopment agencies have power that makes us unpopular. We take money from property taxes that would otherwise go to the county, and we spend money on things other than the county. There was a vocal group . The T-shirts said CRA, Go Away. And opponents have long memories. The CRA spent $27 million on the Los Angeles Theatre Center between its start-up in 1985 and 1991, when the final curtain fell on the four-stage complex that was to have proven once and for all that it was possible to create a center for theatre in Los Angeles. Its going to make it very difficult for a redevelopment agency to get involved in a cultural facility, Burg says of the collapse of LATC. And others, specifically in Hollywood, are still smarting over the citys rejection of a $600-to-$700 million mall proposed by United Artists Realty. The mall would have incorporated the historic Egyptian Theatre, as well as construction of several major department stores. It didnt work for the city, explains Burg. Now, developer Joe Simon, who owns the land the mall would have been built on, is remodeling a smaller building adjacent to the Egyptian that will be a 99-seat rental theatre. John Simon, who works for his brother, freely admits they have a financial stake in encouraging people to visit Hollywood at night. We want to try to get people to come to the area because we own the parking lots, he states. Joe Simons Grant Parking owns six acres of parking lots 500 spaces in the heart of Hollywood. Its fun, if it will just pay the bills, John Simon says of their work on the small theatre. Things are better since Reardon was elected. So many people were afraid to go out at night, especially with that Rodney King thing. Will the redevelopment of Hollywood ultimately encourage people to attend theatre? Its too soon to tell. But on Hollywood Boulevard, residents and tourists will be able to choose between Ripleys Odditorium and more live theatre, believe it or not.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Young GoodMan Brown What happened to all my pa Essay Example For Students

The Young GoodMan Brown What happened to all my pa Essay ragraphsYoung Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a story that is rich in metaphors which ultimately question the very morals and ethics of his religious society. In Young Goodman Brown, Goodman Brown is a proud Puritan who meets with the devil that causes him to become aware of the society he lives in. The story about Goodman Brown centers on a proud man who thinks that a meeting with the Devil cant alter his faith in religion. He also desires to find more about his inner domains, but eventually finds out how hypocritical his community is. The storys crux is based upon religious metaphors of Hawthornes town of Salem during their religious conflict. The beginning of the story mentions the Goodmans wife, Faith who has a double meaning to her name. Goodmans name also should not be overlooked because it is a double-edged sword as well. Hawthorne plays with Faiths name in that it symbolizes religious faith. Faith- Goodmans wife- is seen as a pious woman who like Goodman, is deep in to her religious beliefs. She is innocent like her religion. To indicate Faiths innocence, Hawthorne gave her pink ribbons to wear. These ribbons are important, because they expose Faiths character. Pink is seen as a pleasant color that promotes no tension. Pink is not as violent as red, or gloomy as black. In addition, there is Goodman. His name represents what his society thought of him. He was a religious good person, who came from a long linage of prominent Puritans. We will write a custom essay on The Young GoodMan Brown What happened to all my pa specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Young Goodman Brown begins when Faith, Browns wife, pleads with him not to go on his errand. Goodman Brown says to his love and my Faith (passage 5) that this one night I must tarry away from thee (passage 5). When he says his love and his Faith, he is talking to his wife, but he is also talking to his faith in God. He is venturing into the woods to meet with the Devil, and by doing so; he leaves his unquestionable faith in God with his wife. He resolves that he will cling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven (passage 5). This is an example of his excessive pride. He feels that he can meet with the Devil because of the promise that he made to himself. There is tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had in her before. Throughout literature, authors continue to use metaphors like darkness, sunsets, colors, paths, and nature to help illustrate their hidden thoughts. This tool is supposed to give the reader the feeling of something evil, or negative commencing. Goodmans errand sends him off into the wild forest during the sunset where he is walking on a narrow dark path that is easy to lose. The forest is a place where there are no rules to life, and a place where nature can turn against civilized humans. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that his reason for being late was because Faith kept me back awhile (passage 10).This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil. The Devil had with him a staff that bore the likeness of a great black snake (passage 10). The staff is a reference to the snake in the story of Adam and Eve. The snake led Adam and Eve to their destruction by leading them to the Tree of Knowledge. The Adam and Eve story is similar to Goodman Brown in that they are both seeking immeasurable amounts of knowledge. Once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, they were exiled from paradise. The Devils staff eventually leads Goodman Brown to the Devils ceremony, which destroys Goodman Browns faith in his fellow man, therefore expelling him from his utopia. .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 , .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 .postImageUrl , .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 , .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427:hover , .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427:visited , .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427:active { border:0!important; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427:active , .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427 .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufcaf59f17f12b41201d9de3bb5a02427:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My True Identity EssayGoodman Brown almost immediately declares that he kept his meeting with the Devil and no longer wishes to continue on his errand with the Devil. He says that he comes from a race of honest men and good Christians and that his father had never gone on this errand and nor will he. Conversely, the Devil is quick to point out that he was with his father and grandfather when they were whipping a woman or burning an Indian village. These acts are ironic in that they were bad deeds done in the name of good, or GodIt shows that he does not come from good Christians. Goodman Browns first excuse not to carry on with the errand proves to be unconvincing; he says he cannot go because of his wife, Faith. At this point the Devil agrees with him and tells him to turn back to prevent that Faith should come to any harm (passage 35) like the old woman in front of them on the path. Consequently, Goodman Browns faith is harmed because the woman on the path is the woman who taught him his catechism in youth, and was still his moral and spiritual adviser (passage 35).Afterward, Brown continues to walk with the Devil in the disbelief of what he had just witnessed. He blames the woman for consorting with the Devil but his own pride stops him from realizing that his faults are the same as the womans. Brown again decides that he will no longer to continue on his errand. He rationalizes that just because his teacher was not going to heaven, why should he quit my dear Faith, and go after her (passage 40). In response, the Devil tosses Goodman Brown his staff (which will lead him out of Eden) and leaves him. Goodman Brown begins to think to himself about his situation and his pride in himself. He applauds himself greatly, and thinking with how clear a conscience he should meet his ministerAnd what calm sleep would be hisin the arms of Faith! (Passage 40). This is ironic because at the end of the story, he can not even look Faith in the eye, let alone sleep next to her. As Goodman Brown is feeling good about his strength in resisting the Devil, he hears the voices of the minister and Deacon Gookin. He overhears their conversation about a goodly young woman to be taken in to communion (passage 40). He fears that it may be his Faith. When Goodman Brown hears this, he becomes weak and blacks out. He begins to doubt whether there really was a Heaven above him (passage 45). This is a key point when Goodman Browns faith begins to diminish. Goodman Brown in panic declares With Heaven above, and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil! (Passage 45). Again, Brown makes a promise to keep his faith in God. Then a black mass of cloud (passage 45) goes between Brown and the sky as if to barricade his prayer from the heavens. Brown then hears voices of his community. Once Goodman Brown begins to doubt whether he actually heard these voices, the sound comes to him again and this time it is followed by one voice, of a young woman (passage 45). Goodman believes this is his Faith, and yells out her name only to be mimicked by the echoes of the forest. A pink ribbon flies through the air and Goodman grabs it. Now, Goodman Brown has lost all faith in the world and declares that there is no good on earth (passage 50). Goodman Brown had at this point lost his faith in God, therefore there was nothing -restraining his instincts from moving towards evil because he had been lead out from his utopian image of society. At this point, Goodman Brown goes mad and challenges evil. He feels that he will be the downfall of evil and that he is strong enough to overcome it all. This is another demonstration of Browns excessive pride. .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 , .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 .postImageUrl , .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 , .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99:hover , .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99:visited , .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99:active { border:0!important; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99:active , .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99 .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u930ee8d9dc3931fab9a55e87559d0f99:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Drunk Driving EssayBrown then comes upon the ceremony, which is setup like a distorted Puritan temple. A red light surrounded the worshippers like a mask of evil over the devil worshippers. Brown starts to take notice of the faces that he sees in the service and he recognizes them all, but he then realizes that he does not see Faith and hope came into his heart (passage 50). This is the first time that the word hope ever comes into the story and it is because this is the true turning point for Goodman Brown. If Faith was not there, as he had hoped, he would not have to live alone in his community of heathens, which he does not realize that he is already apart of. The ceremony then begins with a cry to Bring forth the converts! (Passage 60). Surprisingly Goodman Brown steps forward. He had no power to retreat one step, nor to resist, even in thought (Passage 60). Goodman Brown at this point seems to be in a trance and loses control of his body as he unconsciously enters the service. The leader of the service than addresses the crowd of converts, and informs them that all the members of the congregation are the righteous, and honest. Then the leader informs them to look at each other and Goodman Brown finds himself face to face with Faith. The leader declaring that Evil is the nature of mankind (passage 65) welcomes the converts to communion of your race (passage 65). The communion of your race statement reflects to the irony of Browns earlier statement that he comes from a race of honest men and good Christians. Brown than snaps out from his trance and yells Faith! Faith! Look up to Heaven and resist the wicked one! (Passage 65). At this, the ceremony ends and Brown finds himself alone. He does not know whether his wife had kept her faith, but he finds himself, alone which leads him to believe that he is also alone in his faith. Young Goodman Brown ends with Brown returning to Salem at early dawn. He cannot believe that he is in the same place that he just the night before; because to him, Salem was no longer home. He felt like an outsider in a world of Devil worshippers. Brown expresses his discomfort with his new surroundings and his excessive pride when he takes a child away from a blessing given by Goody Cloyse, his former Catechism teacher, as if he were taking the child from the grasp of the fiend himself (passage 70). His anger towards the community is exemplified when he sees Faith who is overwhelmed with excitement to see him and he looks sternly and sadly into her face, and passed on without a greeting (passage 70). Brown cannot even stand to look at his wife with whom he was at the convert service with. Because of his excessive pride, he feels that even though he was at the Devils service, he is still better than everyone else is. Brown feels he can push his own faults on to others and look down a t them rather than look at himself and resolve his own faults with himself. Goodman Brown was devastated by the discovery that the potential for evil resides in everybody. The rest of his life is destroyed because of his inability to face this truth and live with it. The story, which may have been a dream, and not a real life event, planted the seed of doubt in Browns mind, which consequently cut him off from his fellow man and leaves him alone and depressed. His life ends alone and miserable because he was never able to look at himself and realize that everyone elses faults were his as well. His excessive pride in himself led to his isolation from the community. Brown was buried with no hopeful verse upon his tombstone; for his dying hour was gloom (passage 70). Bibliography:

Monday, November 25, 2019

Christopher Hill The class strugle of the English Revolution essays

Christopher Hill The class strugle of the English Revolution essays As a prolific historian and scholar of 17th century England, Christopher Hill has taken a unique historical perspective on the Civil War and its manifestations. He perceives the revolution as being a bourgeois insurrection . He also believes that this is the reason for the shaping of England since that time. In 1913 R. G Usher wrote: The English Revolution of 1640 is as much an enigma today as it was to Charles. It is a riddle, which has to be solved. No one has tried to solve it because all assumed it was solved be repeating the Grand Remonstrance. Every Englishman born since 1800 has...been born into a view of English history. Christopher Hill did his part to dissect the Revolution and make sense of it. The following will describe some of his findings on the subject. This paper will demonstrate Hills unprecedented knowledge and understanding of the events in the 17th century. It will look extensively at some of his works, namely: Some Intellectual Consequences of the English Revolution, Change and Continuity in 17th Century England, The Good Old Cause 1640-1660, and his first book The English Revolution 1640 . Hills interpretation that three main people influenced the revolution will also be demonstrated in this paper. He was born in York in 1912 as John Edward Christopher Hill. While attending college in the 1930s, Hill embraced Marxism, an ideology that focuses on struggles between the different social classes. This is where how he based his interpretation of the revolution. Later, he attributed the revolution to this by citing the middle class upheaval as being the primary source. He has also produced exceptional books that probe subjects such as the Anglican Church and Puritanism. Hill was also a member of the Historians Group of the Communist Party (HGCP). Some of the other members included an extraordinary group, namely Rodney Hilton, Eric Honsbawm, and E.P. Thompson. Hill and ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Finance and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Finance and Management - Essay Example This involves the value of raw materials, the work in progress and the finished goods ready for sale. It is the work of the cost accountants to place all costs under consideration so that they are able to determine the value of all inventories (Martin & Wolf, 2008). Cost accounting system has a function of bringing maximum efficiency in an organization. Cost efficiency would ensure that direct material costs, labor and manufacturing are identified and cost controls performed well. This is done by calculating all these costs, adding them up and calculating the cost per unit. Cost accounting systems also facilitates the decision-making systems in any form of organization. The decisions made are both long-term strategic and short-term decisions. In decision making estimated costs are compared to the actual costs and this is only applicable in organizations, which undertake budgeting as one of their strategic objectives (Martin & Wolf, 2008). Product costs are major components of any pro duct manufacturing system. Product costs are traced all the way from the costs of manufacturing up to the point when production is complete. When the company uses the throughput method costs are traced from the least cost methods all the way to the product cost, on the contrary the activity-based method would trace the cost of the product from the highest amount to the least product cost. There are four major costing methods:- Throughput method, direct costing method, full absorption costing method and the activity based costing method (Martin & Wolf, 2008). Throughput method was developed to complement the constraint theory, the method only charges direct material costs to the product cost with the other remaining costs being expensed in the process. The method is simple since it involves the subtraction of direct costs from the sales and there we have our product costs. This method is not recognized for external reporting since it does not provide proper matching as defined by the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), this is despite the fact that it provides rich data for internal reporting (Martin & Wolf, 2008). The other method is the Direct or variable method. Here capitalization if done on only variable manufacturing costs with the other costs being expensed in the period when they are incurred. This method is not also recommended for external reporting since like the throughput method it does not follow the matching principle as per the GAAP. Full absorption method also referred to as the full costing method applies all the manufacturing costs to the product hence the costs do not become expenses until all the goods are sold and therefore the method adheres to the GAAP principles in a bigger way. This method is therefore useful for external reporting by most companies. It is frequently used for internal reporting as well (Martin & Wolf, 2008). Activity based costing is the most modern approach and it is used mainly in product costing. This p roduct cost method was devised to help in the determination of accurate product costs a challenge that is rampant in the operations of most companies. This method quantifies the costs by firstly tracing the costs to their respective activities and thereafter in the second phase, the costs are traced to the products that use the activities. This method is based on the fundamental claims that activities in normal occurrences consume resources and the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

(the topic of your choice) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

(the topic of your choice) - Essay Example This is a complex term which takes on a variety of implications, but can be most accurately understood as a story blending magical elements with an otherwise realistic narrative. Through an examination of Marquez’ ‘A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,’ this essay contextualizes this understanding of magic realism. One recognizes that Marquez fuses magical and realistic elements into this text from the very opening sections. In this way, Marquez begins the narrative through a number of realistic descriptive patterns, before implementing a magical element in his description of the old man. In this way Marquez writes, â€Å"He had to go very close to see that it was an old man, a very old man, lying face down in the mud, who, in spite of his tremendous efforts, couldn't get up, impeded by his enormous wings† (Marquez). In this way, Marquez situates an element of magical realism at the story’s very core through the characterization of the titular characte r. A notable aspect of the old man is the way that the other characters interact with this man. Marquez indicates that at first they express astonishment at his condition, but then come to feel comfortable around him. Rather than simply recognizing the man as an individual with wings, they attempt to use their best worldly reasoning to make sense of the situation. As such, the man is determined to be an angel. It seems then that an aspect of magical realism is that the magical elements retain a slight dissonance from the realistic perspectives of the rest of the narrative. As the story progresses, Marquez seamlessly interweaves other magical realist elements into the plot. It is not long before a carnival emerges wherein on-lookers revel at the man. During this period, a man with bat wings flies overhead, but nobody pays attention to him because he does not have angel wings. Later in the story, a woman who has changed into a spider appears. Because of the tragic components of this w oman’s story, as well as her cheaper admission price, she quickly dwarfs the old man in terms of attention. In this instance, Marquez is making a further ironic statement on the nature of the magical elements; namely, it is the shock of the new that has intrigued the crowd, not so much the ‘magical’ component itself. Again, one witnesses that while the magic element is a major aspect of this literary technique, it is the realistic reaction to these magical elements which more fully encapsulates the use of magical realism as a literary technique. Another aspect of magical realism appears to be the gradual integration of the magical element into the real world. In terms of the old man, this is witnessed as he becomes accepted by Pelayo and Elisenda. This acceptance then is extended to the villagers, as they tire of his act. Finally, Marquez depicts the man as physiologically integrating into the fabric of human existence. Referring to the doctor’s perception of the man’s wings, Marquez writes, â€Å"They seemed so natural on that completely human organism that he couldn't understand why other men didn't have them too† (Marquez). In this section, Marquez additionally describes the old man in human terms, with the dragging of the wing’s potentially representing a metaphor of the old man’s life. While the angel flies away at the end, it seems that this can be a further metaphor on death. In conclusion, this essay has examined Gabriel Garcia Marquez ‘

Monday, November 18, 2019

Visual Thinking Strategies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Visual Thinking Strategies - Research Paper Example As I scanned my badge in, I turned to their teacher and politely asked, â€Å"Is this your first educational trip to the MFA, are you here to see the new Linde wing?† â€Å"No,† she replied, â€Å"we’re here for a VTS tour.† â€Å"That is wonderful,† I exclaimed. After pausing, I politely stated, â€Å"I am just about to write a paper on VTS, would you mind telling me where you are from?† Kindly responding, the teacher stated, â€Å"We are a social studies class from the Boston public school system, and we have a partnership with the MFA. This is our last lesson of the curriculum and it ends with a VTS tour at the Museum.† In my opinion, teachers in all subject areas find themselves with the challenge of bringing that subject to life for their students, especially students who struggle to grasp the concepts of the course. Constantly trying new strategies and educational techniques, the best teachers try to reach those students in an unconventional way. In this case, I presume the social studies teacher turned to Suzi Fonda, Manager of Teacher Programs and School Partnerships at the MFA, to help her students draw connections between the content studied in the classroom and the collection of American Art currently displayed at the MFA. Since the culture and environment of the museums considerably differs from those prevalent in the classrooms, educators frequently wonder whether the productive techniques used by the museum educators are applicable in the environment of the classroom. In this paper, I will examine the productivity of Visual Thinking, and its connection to the classroom. Upon providing an in-depth look at VTS itself as a teaching tool, I will then examine further the applicability of the technique to the school classroom, more specifically within the social studies curricula, and evaluate its results and make recommendations if any as to how it may be improved. In particular, I will utilize class readings, discussions, case studies, and museum curricula, and I will transfer these experiences into my evaluation. Finally, I will conduct interviews with two Directors of Education, both of whom are involved in the VTS implementation at their art museums, and I will discuss their concerns, results and issues of the program. Curriculum In a typical VTS lesson, students look carefully at a work of art, and talk about what they observe. This method uses art to build the capacity to observe, think, listen and communicate. The guiding principle is that self-discovery is a powerful way to learn, and that such self-directed learning is stimulated by discussion amongst peers.1 Th e curriculum of VTS is fundamentally based on the discussion held among the students. The role of a teacher in it is that of a facilitator of discussion among the students. There are three basic questions that the facilitator uses in order to guide the students towards the path of conducting the discussion among themselves. These three questions include; â€Å"What is going on in this picture?† (Walker), â€Å"What do you see that makes you say that?† (Walker), and â€Å"What more can you find?† (Walker). The facilitator identifies the responses of individual students by their respective names, and points towards the relevant parts of the painting while paraphrasing the responses. In addition to that, it is equally important for the facilitator to keep track of the various threads of conversation so that they can be interlinked and the students can be provided with the opportunity to connect their thoughts with the thoughts of their class fellows. These question s have been designed in a very prudent manner. â€Å"The wording of the first question gives tacit approval of the story-finding, playing to the beginner’

Friday, November 15, 2019

British Airways Marketing Mix

British Airways Marketing Mix British Airways plc (LSE: BAY) is the flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom. The headquater of Britsh Airways is situated in Waterside near by its core London Heathrow Airport and BA is the biggest air commuter carrier on the based of swift, and long distance flights. The second main airport after heathrow is Gatwick airport, from where British Airways offers short haul flights. The British Airways Group was bring into existance through Labour Government on 1st of September 1974 through. The existance of BA was due to the alliance of two biggest London-based air passenger carriers, BOAC and BEA, and with the two comparatively quite small local airlines, Cambrian Airways Cardiff and Northeast Airlines Newcastle upon Tyne. All of these four originally separate companies finally got dissolved on 31 March 1974 to form British Airways (BA) and then after thirteen years, in February 1987, the company got privatised. Later on British Airways got expanded by acquiring British Caledonian in 1988 and then Gatwick-based carrier Dan-Air in 1992. British Airways is the major and biggest buyer of boeing aircrafts.and in November 1998 British Airways placed its first main order of 89 A320 crafts.and then the second largest order was placed In 2007 for starting their long distance flights. The centrepiece of the airlines the long-haul fleet being the Boeing 747-400; with 54 examples. Now British Airways is counted as the largest operator of the type in the world. Richard Bransons established Virgin Atlantic in 1984 and after that Virgin Atlantic begin a rigid and tense relationship with British Airways . In 1993 British Airways apologised Virgin Atlantic without urguing on compaign against Virgin Atlantic. This was the first time in airline industry that any airline was penalised for damaging the reputation of other airline and so Britsh Airways had paid damages to them. But British Airways still stayed as a biggest airline till 2008 on the base of large number of customers which was around 35.7 million passengers . But later on Easy Jet get the tittle of carrying maximum customer in the same year which was around 44.5 million. British Airways got listed on the London Stock Exchange 2001 with FTSE of 100 index. On 12 November 2009, British Airways announced its alliance with the largest spain based airline called Iberia Airlines. This newly combined airline will make BA worlds third-largest carrier (Delta Airlines at number one ranking and American Airlines standing on second number) in terms of annual revenue. Literature Review 2. Marketing:- The American Marketing Association defines marketing as the process of planning and executing conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. So it can be said that marketing is getting the right product to the right people at the right price at the right time. 2.1. Marketing concept:- Marketing concept means the ways an organization should adopt to maximise their profits by fulfilling the needs of their customer groups. This marketing concept is very straight forward and that is why it has a great deal of commonsense validity. The effective marketing starts right with the identification and appreciation of customers needs and expectations and then working backwards to develop such products and/or services to satisfy their customers needs and or demands. The basic task of the marketing function operating under the marketing concept is not to manipulate customers to do what suits the interests of the firm, but rather to find effective and efficient means of making the business do what suits the interests of its customers. It does not mean that all firms practice marketing in this ideal way. However efficient as well effective marketing as defined here requires that consumers needs should be kept first in organizational decision-making process. 2.2. Marketing Objectives Growth in market share Clearer product differentiation Long term brand value to customers Creating and launching new products / services Innovation 2.3. Marketing Strategies Marketing Strategies are the means by which marketing objectives can be achieved and generally can be remembered as 7Ps (also known as Marketing Mix) are as follows: Price Product Place Promotion Customer Satisfaction Processes Physical evidence People Marketing Strategies of British Airways get fit into the marketing mix as:- Product: On the basis of BA high class products (services they provide their customers) they are awarded with official 4 stars ranking. Price: As far as pricing strategy of BA is concerned Officials of British Airways strongly, categorically and confidently address their customers to book their tickets online with full confidence at and if they ever find lower rates than British airways (anywhere online) they commit to refund all the difference, even if they make the booking online. Promotion: British Airways is famous for introducing different kinds of vouchers and discounted coupons for their customers. They always seem offering discount voucher codes to their customers even if they are not the club members (but requires a simple registration only once with them). They also offer special rewards and benefits in terms of long/ short holiday packages not only for cheaper flights but for rented cars as well (in order to make their customers more happy and loyal towards their integrated services). The only thing customer is supposed to do is just collecting the BA miles points by flying with them or with any of the partner airlines and by staying in selected hotels and also by rented cars. All adding to customers points towards getting more and more points. Place: British Airways having a vast network of flights across the globe serves destinations across all the six major continents including almost 371 destinations. Though main hub of British Airways is at London Heathrow airport but British Airways also operates a majority of their flights at London Gatwick Airport. Previously British Airways used to have its main hub in Manchester Airport which later on moved to London Heathrow. 3. Environmental Analysis of British Airways 3.1. SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a measure to audit an organization and its environment (internal and/or external). It is assumed as the first stage of planning and ultimately helps marketers to specifiaclly focus on the key issues facing that organization. SWOT analysis is comprises of four different factors strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are basically meant to represent internal environment of an organization while on the other opportunities and threats are considered as external factors directly or indirectly influencing business of the organization. (S)trengths   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Strength of British Airways is its Brand and rated as a first new speedy airline,specially purchased to promise comfortable travelling of passengers. This strategy was introduced by keeping an eye on customer complaints. previously received by the fleet used by British Airways in the past. The magnitude of Airways operations allows them on pro over all of their competitors by giving high class services to a far more wider variety of customers.   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Moreover, on the basis of knowledge and skills, BA operational research department claims that analytical skills performed by the members of the company and its employees are its strengths. Their strong customer focus further develops expertise in customer service areas in terms of purchasing high-end software for the air services and wide selection of it further enhance the organisation strength on compititors. (W)eaknesses   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Britsh Airway is always great criticised on their poor marketing strategies which is one of the worst weeknesses of the airline which have had a bad impact on customer satisfaction. Despite the great infrastructure owned by the company, BA still needs to introduce and carry out better market schemes in order to attract more customers. Hence, a separate competitive package for customer service must be introduced in order to make the current service somewhat more attractive towards its clients, further prompting an opportunity of earning larger amounts of revenues. Morever limited knowledge about simulation software and its development is also reflects airline weeknesses. (O)pportunities   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   The rapid changing in techonologies and innovation in product , would implemented on the right time could be a great opportunity. As it is rightly said that the global changes can be considered and utilised as an opportunity to work with, while ignoring certain opportunities can be considered a weakness. In BA, virtual reality and appreciation of these opportunities could definately provide new sources for simulation and/or obtaining network softwares and ultimtely sharing expertise by means of special interest/focused groups. So opportunities derived from such kind of common thinking can really be utilized to further strengthen the companys business.   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Technological trends further opens doors for new opportunities in terms of various business domains, (however, if it is taken for granted), opportunities can either be a treated as a threat or as a weakness as well. In order to promote global trends would be a greater chance for the organisation. (T)hreats   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   It is not really important that threats would be external it can be external. Internal threats as seen in management are not only the centralized but a bureaucratic system and above all poor decision-making really adds fuel to fire. Moreover, the companys focus on national and local problems pose a threat since much more problems which company seems to neglect can be easliy appreciated in the global scheme. It neglects the global problems instead focusing deeply on the national and/or local levels. The global problems greatly offer tremendous threats if and when companies will ignore such. Moreover, globalization can be an opportunity and strength but at the same time can also be considered as a threat if not to be keen and vigilant of its tricks and treachery. Further, rapid changes on technology and customers behavior (in accordance to their demands) can also be a threat if interpret ed mistakenly. 3.2 PESTEL Analysis A PEST analysis is a business measurement tool, looking at factors external to the organization. PESTLE is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, factors. These factors are generally used to assess the market for any business or organizational unit. The PEST analysis points present as a framework for reviewing a situation, and can also be used to review organiztions current strategy or position, direction of a company, its marketing proposition and /or idea. There are many variants on this model including PESTLE analysis. (P)olitical and (L)egal Factors Political factor does effect any organisation in certain ways if the appropriate step will not taken to resolve . The incident of 7/11 left security threat for the airline industry as well ,due to this kind of activity will effect the government stability . If we talk about war in Iraq does prove that country is in crisis or instable.So due to these kind of accidents athourities has to imposed more strick strick legislation which evryone has to follow. Recently legislation athourites has placed amended important regulations in airline industry which create opportunities and increase the competition as well. The most important legal factor which effects British Airways were the strikes called by union leaders and recently they announced one more call of strike in coming summer, well BA always stayed in the news either the issues raised by union or it is plane crash but these events have bad impact on the potential customers. (E)conomic Factors Economical factors are very important while doing external analysis because if the price of fuel gone up does effect airline. According to recent survey the average spending on travel is dramatically goes down due to global crisis. Many of the organisation working on cost effective soltutions and try to use alternates instead of spending more.The demand for air travel is characterised by very high income elasticity. Usuall fuel prices goes parallel to the value of $ dollar and the exchange rate or lower value of sterling will also effect airline industry. Due to the political instability in Iraq has effect the fuel prices and these price get record higher which add  £100 million in BAs budget. (S)ocial Factors The effect of social factor on trading is different for different countries but still this factor is considerable in growth and development of airline.So BA need to trained their staff on demographic changes. Recently in channel 4 they mentioned that the average people over than 50s do frequent travells as compared to young generation so, British Airways need to make such tempting strategies which brings more customers of this age . (T)echnology BA does around 57000 surveys every month to get best knowledge what their customers want and expect from them. Almost third of airline booking are now made online that again signifies presence of high class technology. With almost half of all Europe from UK site. Travellers can have access to their bookings or any changes via their mobile phones even. They can check-in and also access real time arrival and departure information with online system. This system is definitely saving their time as well as money of travellers and company. (E)nvironmental In Enviornmental analysis British Airways is focusing on climate change because this issue keep more value rather then others and on other hand new legislation on enviornment does efffect the company growth . British Airways have introduced programme on change of climate which has four core areas. Green Scheme Carbon emission Fuel consumption Noise pollution In March 2009 company carbon offset scheme became first ever airline offset product to meet the requirements of the UK Governments Quality Assurance Scheme. Company targets to reduce company net CO2 emission by 50% far by 2050. Meeting this target will require intense investment in terms of newer technology, appropriate bio-jet fuels and in cost-effective emissions reductions in other sectors of the economy by the creation of new effective global carbon trading markets. Company continue to look for newer ways to improve fuel efficiency and most surprisingly over 600 projects have been assessed so far of these 55 have been implemented successfully. 4. Market Analysis OF British Airways:- The main focus of Brtish Airways is on transportation but they also providing freight forwarding and leisure to their customers. Market of Britsh Airways has increased to 5.7% in 2009 which allow them to reach  £9.2 billion. Airline is considered as a most comfort medium of transport. In 2009 the ration of short distance flights was very high which gain 72.9% of the market. Currently other airlines acquiring maximum share of the short distance flight market because of cost effective.But these airlines still have a threat from the fuel prices. 4.1. Competitor Analysis The competition in airline industry is getting boom now if we compared this market with the past market, because now customers has more choice in terms of luxury, cost effectiveand many others. British Airways has two different marketing competitiotrs one based on short distance or at national level where as the other competitors are for international flights operating world wide. According to these two markets British Airways has keeping two different standards like national level flights are cost effective and very economical where as for international flight BAs has entirely different enviornment on the base of luxury,price and other aspects.. Therefore, BA seem competing on a global, European, national as well as on regional scales. New planes, new routes, additional (frequent) flights and management changes are all factors that promise an improved business. Such changes made by competitors need constant monitoring in order for BA to examine its current position and to develop future strategies. 4.2. Customer Analysis Shaw (2004) addresses what he calls the most fundamental and commonest mistakes made in airline marketing failure to make a proper distinction between the Consumer and the Customer. Consumers are the people who actually travel and avail the service however it is important that BA consider customers, as they are the decision makers. This is important in both consumer markets as well as in industrial markets. BAs customers can be found differ enormously in terms of their buying behaviour. Not only they differ in terms of their age, income, educational levels and geographic location but more fundamentally in BAs case in terms of their lifestyles and expectations which are influenced by many factors. BA also operates in an industrial market which differs in buying behaviour that can further be exhibited by the formality of BAs purchasing policies, their delivery dates and their expected and actual performance. Over the last few years increasing complexity in customer needs has been appreciated, as the customers have become more educated and demanding due to this following changes have occurred. A shift in demographic to older passengers rather Increased global connectivity ultimately allowing the customers more frequent usage of internet and search mediums (in terms of comparison of services, prices and general layout. Well maintained up to date data on company websites further make decision easier for the customers). Increased requirement of convenience (new destination, quick check-in, in flight service/ entertainment etc). Price no doubts remains more of priority. All bits of major and minor egments have become more defined within their needs. Evidence that British Airways is failing to respond to the changing customer landscape includes: The amount of BA customers recommending their services reduced from 61% in 2006/7 to 59% in 2007/8 (British Airways 2008). BA have been criticised for innovation (Doganis,2006, Pg 165). Poor reliability and baggage handling (AQR) Failed attempts to target the price conscious consumer through low cost airline operation (Eirma,2008). 5. Branding A name, term, sign, symbol, memo, design or a combination of all intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or a group of sellers and at the same time to differentiate them from those of competitors. 5.1. Scope of Branding Branding creates a mental structure which helps consumers to organise their knowledge about the product or the service in such a way that clarifies their decision more in order to make appropriate decision ultimately providing positive value to the firm. British Airways brand value stresses to ensure that all behaviours and communication should properly reflect the qualities of their brand. Any sponsorship  by them  must get fit in with these values. Brand values of British Airways are: Safe and secure Professional Warm Thoughtful Responsible British. As a global company they are interested in working with other companies with the purpose of reaching far international audiences. 5.2. Brand Crisis Analysis: Early investigation shows that the British Airways get more damaged due to disaster in terminal. A Disturbance in Public relation occured due to disorgansed management , lack of strategy in marketing, and the events of the past few days blighted BAs brand for years. The problems at T5 hit 100% of the brand, all over the world. Then there is the very specific damage done to BAs brand equity. At the heart of its positioning are reassurance and reliability, making it peculiarly vulnerable to a debacle like that of T5. In branding terms, there is a world of difference between inconsistency and contradiction. BA is found facing the mother of all contradictions, which was further exaggerated by the coverage of international media. But this was favourable for international passenger carrier to shatter the compaign based on Scheduled-BBH- created brand building. But the unfavourable covering left bad reputation of brand on customer expeirence, on the other hand this will lead to Britsh Airways This, however, leaves the brand facing a torrent of negative coverage and a black mark on pass engers experiences, without any possible injection of brand equity in the predictable future. BAs poor strategy of marketing really effected the Brand. Few days before British Airways adverise that the Terminal 5 would be the future of airline to just create attention of customers. The image of BA chief Willie Walsh, arms outstretched, gushing, I think its great and its going to get better. This is a hundred times better than anything else at Heathrow, has been etched in the annals of PR blunders. Aside from undermining Walsh and his tenure as chief executive, this has compounded a huge damage to the brand name of BA. Britsh Airwayss have contigency plan for the worst situation whereas skillful and Public relation staff is not possible to managed. British Airways is always staying in the news wheather it was plane aircrash or some thing different. Like few months before an air craft was crashed and this news stay on news channel for long four days. The dilemma of Britsh Airways is not finished yet like loss of 15,000 bags of customers still missing, 10% of scheduled flights were canceled and no positive assurance that these problems are ssorted . So,in the end there is no point to claimed that British Airways is out from the crisis. A last weeken aspect is the issue on British Airways staff. One day higher offical of terminal 5 Gareth KirkwoodUnlike T5 boss Gareth Kirkwood, who usually around with praetorian come forward recklessly infront of media reporters for announcement but later on he moved back to his office before answering to the questions asked by media. When senior supervisors or managers are not around they want staff to deal annoyed passengers, even one of the union leader issue a statement in which he requesting customers that do not use harsh words for British Airways employees. British Airways announced terminal 5 as an favorable circumstances for their employeed but on the other hand prospect in its employer br and strategy to manage staff is quite weaken. Morever the major weak point for British Airways is its unfortunately weak chief executive; the terminal which will stay open for ages is destroyed at initial stages. Furthermore the Brand name of leading airline getting damaged in front of interntaional customers. 6. Customer Relation Management CRM is the development and maintenance of mutually beneficial long-term relationships with strategically significant customers (Buttle, 2000). CRM is an IT enhanced value process, which identifies, develops, integrates and focuses the various competencies of the firm to the voice of the customer in order to deliver long-term superior customer value, at a profit to well identified existing and potential customers.(Plakoyiannaki and Tzokas, 2001). 6.1.Customer loyalty: The term customer loyalty is used to describe the behaviour of customers/their tendency to come to same service or product again. In terms of air travel industry companies offering good ratings, reviews, or testimonials definitely have a strong impact on customers choice. Customers referring others to the same service they get satisfied really add to marketing of the company with absolutely no cost. By praising a service or in other words offering favourable word of mouth publicity regarding a product, telling friends and family, adding them to the number of loyal customers ultimately adds to the profitability of the company. British Airways is to announce a shift in strategy by providing passengers not only cheap fares but also providing them the access to luxury airport lounges and other benefits through their new loyalty schemes. The British Airways Executive Club is not just another frequent flyer programme. It has been designed not only to recognise but also reward business travellers every time they fly. The airline is responding to the slump in business travel during the recession by offering frequent flyers the elite membership of its Executive Club even sometime in a year to those passengers as well, buying discounted economy tickets. Previously, only passengers on expensive fares could earn Tier Points needed for Gold or Silver membership which opens the doors to world-class facilities for them, including its  £60 million Galleries lounges at Heathrows Terminal 5 featuring champagne bars and free fine dining etc. But now company introduces certain packages for the less frequent or short flight passengers as well, though they can avail its benefits in certain times not in the whole year like frequent flyers. 7. E-Marketing E-marketing means using digital technologies (newer and improved) to help sell ones goods or services. These technologies are definitely a valuable complement to traditional marketing methods whatever the size of the company or business model actually has. 7.1. E-Marketing Strategies:- Electronic sources- Internet, mobile, itv Interactive media Personalized communication service Global reach Cost efficiency Easy access Targeting right audience Branding Measurability 7.2. E-Marketing Tools Websites- easy to use, content specific, simple design SMS/ texting through mobile Email strategy Sell the product Speak to customers Serve people Save time Sizzle and extend brand identity The use of e-marketing strategies allows organisations like BA to approach customers at their convenience and improved convenience and quality of their services adding to positive word of mouth, ultimately better profitability. British Airways has announced its newly friendly user website, and promote this website as a planning tool for their customers to maximise their online business nad made it tempted for the customers who preffer to do online bookings and travel planning . As a Brand online bookings and travell planning is a far easy way of communication for its customers. British Airways spend more than around $180 million in developing and maintaining the websites which reflects a straight and simple version in context of online operations so in result the largest airline received customer satisfaction. Britsh Airways has always been focusing customer for their creativity and improvement.Rob McDonald leading staff of Britsh Airways said in a statement That website is not only cost and time effective , the extensive operation on new websites also allow the customer to get more control regarding time management, money and deliver them best travel experience on board. In addition he said that we are trying to devlop more smart website so customer can easily grasp information regarding their proposed travels, furthermore he said that we know our customer needs and to fullfil them is our priority. Online booking system through British Airways website has increased massively from 2001, customer getting awareness day by day and they do prefer online bookings rather then pop in to travel agent. The ratio of online booking in 2001 is just 3% but now it increased to 20% which is comparatively 7 times higher then before. Similarly overall worldwide revenue is also increased which is twice from the last 2 years and on other hand revenue for Asia Pacific region is five time higher then before so these online transaction system increased the company revenue. As a leading brand in global international airline market, aircrafts of British Airways landed on the runways to almost more than 200 destinations almost all over the worldand from which half of the flights are the worlds largest international passenger airline, British Airways plcs planes touch down daily on runways almost everywhere from Tehran to Lagos to Bogota. About half of its flights are across an ocean and most of the flights fly to US. British Airways marketing department has launched various email marketing strategies especially for the loyal customers who travels on long haul flights and introduced a niche website to maximise their online trasactions. Conclusion: British Airways as a leading international airline has to work hard and need improvement on their marketing strategy. The poor marketing strategy have always bad impact on company growth. I have analysed that British Airways need to improve marketing strategy to gain maximum customer loyalty. Furthermore British Airways is really effected due to global financial crisis, so to handle this situation Britsh Airways need to develop such marketing stratagies to get competitive advantage. Morever the new legislations imposed by the athourities on enviornment, noise pollution have direct and indirect impact on the airline. Britsh Airways need to target older people over 50s because they often travel and planned journeys so they would be potential customer. Britsh Airways is planning to introduce more rewards for frequent travellers. In addition British Airways has a threat for their short haul flights from Easy Jet because Easy Jet is cost effective for short haul flights so britsh airways should develop competitive stratagy to sustain in airline industry.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

External and Internal Forces in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Essay

External and Internal Forces in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte In Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre, the eventual goal of Jane Eyre’s journeys and struggles as a character is for Jane to be strong enough within herself to stand on her own. It is not until she finds this internal strength that she can live as a content individual and weather the distracting demands put on her by the external forces that surround her. Throughout most of the novel, Jane makes the mistake of looking for this internal peace through external forces like Mrs. Reed, Mr. Rochester and St. John. To convey this tendency, Charlotte Brontà « constructs her narrative so that, rather than looking within herself to find internal solace, Jane turns away from cold, alien internal imagery, and looks instead to fickle external imagery that is at times a friend, and at times a foe. The internal imagery is reflective of Jane’s own internal state, and the external imagery is reflective of the state of the external forces that surround her; until Jane realizes t hat she cannot find solace in the ever-changing external forces around her, and must instead look inside herself for this solace, the internal imagery must remain cold and alien, and the external imagery must remain unpredictable in its ability to comfort. For the purposes of this paper, the external world is defined as any force, whether this force is human or of the natural world, that is outside of Jane Eyre, and thus threatens to distract Jane from her essential journey as a character. The internal self is within Jane, and must be strong in order for Jane to stand on her own and able to withstand the external forces of the narrative. From the very first scenes of the novel, Jane looks to the external wor... ...the wood symbolizes and find their way home, toward the internal happiness that â€Å"home† represents. The novel Jane Eyre details one woman’s journey to find a place for herself in a world that does not want her. In order to do this, she must find internal strength and solace. For a large portion of the novel, she seeks and fails to find this through external forces. For every two steps forward, she takes one step back because of external forces that draw her away from this internal self. However, Jane does manage to progress and eventually find internal happiness. Her journey and her turn to the external, battle with the internal, and eventual acceptance of her internal self in spite of external forces is embodied in the external and internal imagery that Bronte uses throughout the course of the novel. Such imagery is inherently necessary to Jane’s evolution.